It’s a wish minute!

Photo by Hayley Seibel on Unsplash

I don’t consider myself a superstitious person, but some of those childhood games/traditions have stuck with me.  Our family still fights over who gets to yank on the wishbone after Thanksgiving each year.  If I see a penny on the ground facing up, I will reach down to pick it up. Yes, it must be facing up. I will take a quick minute to see if that four-leaf clover is right at my feet.  And yet I don’t count on these things to make or break my day…or month…or year. They’re just superstition.

And then there is the wish minute.  When I glance at a digital clock or my phone and the hour and the minutes are all the same number (like 3:33), I immediately think – wish minute!  As a child I was told that if I made a wish during that exact minute, it would come true.

Just the other day I noticed the clock at a wish minute, but somewhere along the line I’d changed the rules to my wish minute game.  I don’t know when I started doing this, but whenever I see a wish minute, instead of wishing, I send up a prayer for someone.  Whoever comes to mind first gets my “wish prayer.”  This most recent time my niece was on my mind since she just had a birthday.  So Sara, that one was for you!

So why a “wish prayer”? I think I wanted my special wishes to have greater meaning, to be directed to a higher power that can actually act on them, and to be less egocentric. It’s one more way to remind me throughout the day to lift others in prayer.

So what time does your clock say right now?  Could it be your wish minute?

9 Replies to “It’s a wish minute!”

  1. Well right now it’s 11:11. This “wish minute” is for you Robin. I wish you all the luck in the world with your book. May all your writing dreams come true!!!

  2. We have a special minute at our house. If the clock reads 12:34 we say, “I love you”. Our grandchildren know about this and at our house they remind us.

  3. Love the prayer minute! Never heard of the wish minute. This is a neat idea!

  4. I had never heard of a wish minute, either. I love your idea of a wish prayer Robin. Thanks for sharing it. I enjoy your blog immensely. 🙂

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