Oh the changes a week can bring!

As we continue to stay at home during the pandemic, do you ever find yourself wondering if this will ever end?  One day blends into the next. One week into the next. And then we are told the peak in Ohio is going to be farther out than was first guessed. Our anxiety grows as businesses struggle to survive, the numbers of infected people rise, the numbers of hospital beds and ventilators decrease, and we still can’t find disinfectant spray, wipes or hand sanitizer in any store, even on-line.

It’s scary. However, my fears are calmed when I remember that God is still in control of all.

Philippians 4:6-7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Does that mean bad things won’t happen. No. Of course they can and will. But so will good. God takes these situations and turns them to glorify Him and to bring his people to Him. Situations that come out of this pandemic will also allow the best in people to shine. Neighbor helping neighbor. New technologies and medicines developing to meet the needs. People returning to God in prayer.

Today is Palm Sunday. As we enter this week approaching Easter, remember that a week can bring huge changes. Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday being celebrated with cheers and palm branches waving. A few days later he was arrested which led to his crucifixion on the cross which we memorialize on Good Friday. I’d say things had certainly taken a major turn for the worse. Or at least that’s how it looked. At first glance, even the term Good Friday seems counter to the event. But what we have to remember is that His death on the cross had to happen before we could have Easter. He had to die before He could rise again. We deserve the punishment, but He took it for us if we choose to accept Him as our savior over sin. Easter Sunday we celebrate a rebirth, a resurrection from the dead, our King once again taking up his heavenly crown after He sacrificed himself. All that happened in just one week.

God can step in and stop this virus. He certainly can. But perhaps there is more to His plan. Maybe there is more we need to learn first. Whatever amount of time it takes, I remind myself that God is in control and His plan is perfect for what He wants to accomplish.

I am grateful for all the doctors and nurses on the front lines. I am grateful for the lab technicians and research facilities that are working so hard to help out. I am grateful for the farmers, truck drivers, stockers and cashiers that enable us to have food available. I am thankful for all the workers at essential businesses. I am thankful for the average person who is taking this seriously with limiting their exposure to others. I am praying for them all.

I am praying for the sick. I am praying for those who have lost a loved one to this virus. I am praying for our leaders as they make tough decisions. I am praying for the small business owners and their families. I am praying for the parents that they can be godly parents to their children while they are all home together. I am praying for all the teachers who are trying to keep some sense of normalcy in a new normal for education. I am praying for soon-to-be parents who have anxiety over giving birth in a hospital at this time. I am praying for all those couples who have had to postpone their weddings. The list goes on and on. Prayer can give you peace. Let go of anxiety over things you can’t control and just let God be God. Remember a lot can happen in a week. Reflect on Jesus throughout this passion week and find your own unique way to celebrate come Easter Sunday. Don’t let this virus steal your joy during this Easter season.


Photo by Jason Blackeye on Unsplash


2 Replies to “Oh the changes a week can bring!”

  1. Your blog couldn’t have come at a better time! I’ve been temporarily laid off my daycare job until this lockdown lifts. I’ve had to go on unemployment and it has been very stressful.

    I cried so hard yesterday in utter frustration and anxious at not knowing when I’ll get back to work.

    Then your blog reminded me that God is in control and all I have to do is trust Him. I know this too shall pass but have to remember I can’t do it without God and nothing I pray to Him about is a burden.

    Thank you Robin.

    1. I’m sorry to hear about your job and the stress this has put on you. Even knowing that so many people are in the same situation doesn’t make us feel any better. If anything, it makes it scarier. That’s when we really need to give our worry to God. He’s in control. He will give you the strength you need to keep on keepin’ on. Meanwhile, ask God to show you the little ways you can help others. Check on a neighbor. See if they need you to pick up an extra gallon of milk when you go to the store. Call someone who is lonely. Write a letter, email or blog to encourage others. And most of all, pray. This is a dark week historically in the Christian world as well. Just don’t forget – at the end of the week we can say, “He is risen!”

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