The Newcomer by Mary Kay Andrews

What a joy to read! Even after writing nearly thirty books, Mary Kay’s voice still feels fresh in her newest book, The Newcomer. Her characters feel like people from your hometown put into unthinkable situations and danger. I didn’t want the story to end, and yet I couldn’t help but keep reading. It was entertaining and addictive!

“Her characters feel like people from your hometown….”

When Letty arrives at her sister Tanya’s apartment and discovers her body, Letty runs with her 4-year-old niece, Maya.  Suspecting danger, Tanya had warned Letty to run with Maya if anything happened to her. They flee from NYC to a small, old-Florida style motel that caters to long-term seasonal retirees. In time Letty, the “newcomer,” is accepted by the close-knit residents and the local cop, son of the motel’s owner, becoming part of the quirky “family.”  

Letty suspects Maya’s father in the murder although another suspect could also be a danger to them. And then there’s the small problem that Letty was seen leaving Tanya’s apartment making her a suspect as well. Can she trust Joe, the cop, to help protect them and catch the murderer?

“The Newcomer will be flying off the shelves as beach read season approaches.”

Readers will cheer for and worry about Letty and Maya. A murder mystery with romance, family complications, and greed surrounded with quirky characters at the Mom and Pop motel in Florida – so much to love! The Newcomer will be flying off the shelves as beach read season approaches. Get your pre-order in now for the May 4 release date! (Pre-orders really do help out authors.)

Thanks goes to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

2 Replies to “The Newcomer by Mary Kay Andrews”

  1. I read your last suggested series. The Carolina Coast Series. I loved all three! Good clean reading. Maybe I’ll try this one too!

    1. If you decide you like Mary Kay Andrews as an author, she has lots of published novels to try out! Enjoy!

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