Spells for Forgetting By Adrienne Young

As fall descends upon us, I wonder – do the types of books you choose change with the seasons? Spells for Forgetting by Adrienne Young is a dark, romantic tale with mysterious atmosphere just right for this time of year! It’s a perfect choice for when you want to curl up with a good book, a blanket and a hot beverage of choice.

YA author Adrienne Young’s first adult novel takes us to the Pacific Northwest to a mystical island off the coast of Washington. Residents of the island’s small village have lived there for generations and are deeply steeped in folklore, superstitions, and traditions. Tourists visiting their apple orchard generate most of the islander’s revenue. 


After fourteen years away, August returns to bury his mother’s ashes. His presence re-ignites suspicion and hatred from most of the island’s residents. For Emery, the high school sweetheart he left behind, August’s presence opens old wounds and brings conflicting feelings.

“There are spells for breaking and spells for mending. But there are no spells for forgetting.”

Fourteen years earlier, August and Emery are in love and secretly plan on leaving the island together the day after graduation. That is until the night Emery’s best friend Lily is found dead, and the apple orchard is set on fire. August is the suspect in the murder, but when no proof is produced, he and his mother leave the island.

Through multiple POV’s, we experience what happens between Emery and August now that he’s returned and see glimpses of the past that led up to that fateful night.

My Thoughts

After a few slow opening chapters, I found myself deeply invested in the characters. I wanted to follow this unresolved love story and murder mystery. It kept me guessing what really happened the night of the fire and Lily’s death, and the twists and turns kept me quickly turning the pages.

Magic and folklore is an underlying thread in the story, adding mystery and atmosphere; however, it felt underplayed. I wanted the book of magic spells and the ancient traditions to be a bigger part of the story.

This book is categorized as general fiction because it doesn’t fit neatly into only one genre. It’s part mystery/thriller, part fantasy/magic, and part romance. The publication date is set for Sept. 27, 2022. I rate Spells for Forgetting 4 stars since I really enjoyed this book. 

Thank you to Netgalley and Random House Publishing for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts!

Netgalley Member Professional Reader

If Spells for Forgetting sounds like a book you’d like, check out my reviews on these novels: Valley of the Moon , The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, Gallant, and a lighter novel, The Kindred Spirits Supper Club.


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