The Story She Left Behind by Patti Callahan Henry

Robin’s Reviews 2025

Book cover for The Story She Left Behind by Patti Callahan Henry

THE STORY SHE LEFT BEHIND by Patti Callahan Henry is a beautifully written novel about an impossible choice made by a mother, the emotional scars left in her daughter’s heart, and a book that might heal her pain decades later.


As a child prodigy, Bronwyn writes a book that becomes famous. As an adult, she writes the long-awaited sequel. The book is written in a coded language Bronwyn created and is yet unpublished. Under mysterious circumstances in 1927, she leaves her husband and her 8-year-old daughter Clara, and takes the dictionary needed to translate the cipher. The family believes Bronwyn is dead, and the pages are gone forever.

Twenty-five years later, Clara receives a phone call from Charlie, a stranger living in London. He claims her mother’s papers have been discovered. Her mother’s abandonment has haunted Clara and driven her need for answers and resolution. Suspicious but hopeful that the papers are real, Clara travels with her daughter Wynnie from South Carolina to London to retrieve them.

They arrive during The Great Smog of 1952. To escape the toxic air in London, they travel with Charlie to his family’s retreat in the Lake district, near where Beatrix Potter lived. While staying at the country estate, Clara must find the courage to uncover her mother’s secrets and the story she left behind.

My Thoughts

It’s fascinating that the real life and disappearance of author Barbara Newhall Follett inspired Patti’s novel. I had never heard of Barbara Newhall Follett, so of course I looked her up. You should, too! I appreciate that books have the power to bring someone unknown or nearly forgotten back into the spotlight.

Photo of author Patti Callahan Henry
Author Patti Callahan Henry

So many times while reading this novel, I marveled at Patti Callahan Henry’s descriptions. Take time while you’re reading to savor the language she uses.

Clara goes through many trials in the story to get answers, but the ending is satisfying. The Story She Left Behind is filled with discovery, connection, understanding, forgiveness, lost family, and unexpected love.

Thanks to Atria Books and NetGalley for the ARC of this novel. The opinion are my own.

THE STORY SHE LEFT BEHIND’s pub date is March 18, 2025, but preordering is VERY helpful to authors. I suggest ordering through since they help support small, independent bookstores across the county: order hardback or ebook here.

If You Like…

If you like THE STORY SHE LEFT BEHIND, check out these past recommendations by Patti Callahan Henry: The Secret Life of Flora Lea and Once Upon a Wardrobe.

Drop me a comment below! What are you reading that you’d recommend? Who are your favorite authors?  Ask me a question about books and/or writing. I’d love to hear from you!

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Netgalley Professional Reader

The Secret Book of Flora Lea – Take 2

This is a redo of a post that looks fine on my website but came out all wonky for blog followers who get the email version, so here’s The Secret Book of Flora Lea – Take 2!

Robin’s Rave Reviews 2023

5 Stars

Photo of The Secret Book of Flora Lea next to a fairy garden cottage.You may have seen my excitement opening my book mail when The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry arrived. If you missed it, check it out on Facebook or Instagram. Now let me tell you how good this book is! The further I got into the book, the faster the pages flew by, and I was hooked. When I finished, I looked around and realized I’d left my world behind for a time. That’s the sign of a good book! The Secret Book of Flora Lea has already made the NY Times Best Seller List for several weeks.


During WWII, Operation Pied Piper sent English children out of the cities to the countryside to protect them from falling bombs. The novel revolves around sisters (fourteen-year-old Hazel and five-year-old Flora Lea) who are sent to a small village outside Oxford. Luckier than some, they are billeted by a kind Bridie Aberdeen and her teenage son, Harry, who live in an enchanting stone cottage along the River Thames. Hazel creates a fairytale about Whisperwood, an enchanted forest, as a comfort mechanism for her sister. When Flora mysteriously vanishes and is believed to have drowned, Hazel blames herself. Twenty years later, Hazel comes across a fairytale book from America called Whisperwood and the River of Stars. Could the sister who disappeared so many years ago be alive? Could Flora be the author?

Robin Shelley with author Patti Callahan Henry at a book signing

The Secret Book of Flora Lea examines the bond of sisters, the conflict of loving two men at once, the scars of guilt and grief, and perseverance to never give up hope. And to keep you guessing, Patti adds surprising twists to the twenty-year-old mystery. So good! Now let’s hope this post, The Secret Book of Flora Lea – Take 2, translates correctly for my email blog followers as I press the “Publish” button!

Check out my other reviews of Patti Callahan Henry’s work: Once Upon a Wardrobe, Surviving Savannah, and Becoming Mrs. Lewis. To learn more about the author, go to

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Netgalley Professional Reader


The Secret Book of Flora Lea

Robin’s Rave Reviews 20235 Stars

You may have seen my excitement opening my book mail when The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry arrived. If you missed it, here it is on Facebook and Instagram. Now let me tell you how good this book is! The further I got into the book, the faster the pages flew by, and I was hooked. When I finished, I looked around and realized I’d left my world behind for a time. This book has already been on the NY Times Best Sellers List for two weeks since it came out in early May.
Photo of The Secret Book of Flora Lea next to a fairy garden cottage.Summary
During WWII, Operation Pied Piper sent English children out of the cities to the countryside to protect them from falling bombs. The novel revolves around sisters (fourteen-year-old Hazel and five-year-old Flora Lea) who are sent to a small village outside Oxford. Luckier than some, they are billeted by a kind Bridie Aberdeen and her teenage son, Harry, in an enchanting stone cottage along the River Thames. Hazel creates a fairytale about Whisperwood, an enchanted forest, as a comfort mechanism for her sister.  When Flora mysteriously vanishes, Hazel blames herself. Twenty years later, Hazel comes across a fairytale book from America called Whisperwood and the River of Stars. Could the sister who disappeared so many years ago be alive? Could Flora be the author?
Robin Shelley with author Patti Callahan Henry at a book signing
The Secret Book of Flora Lea examines the bond of sisters, the conflict of loving two men at once, the scars of guilt and grief, and a young woman who never gives up hope. And to keep you guessing, Patti adds surprising twists to the 20-year-old mystery.  So good!
Check out my other reviews of Patti Callahan Henry’s work:  Once Upon a Wardrobe, Surviving Savannah, and Becoming Mrs. Lewis.


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