Reflections on a Garage Sale

Last weekend I brought a few things to my daughter’s house for our garage sale (or tag sale, depending on where you live). I didn’t have much to add since I purged my house just before our move last December. Still, when you move into a new place, not everything “fits.” Maybe a piece doesn’t fit the new space or it’s out of place with the new décor. After all, moving to a new home is the perfect opportunity to change things up a bit. So, into the sale they go!

Looking around the house for garage sale items usually means cleaning out those closets, searching through drawers, and finding boxes stashed away in the basement or garage. It always amazes me how I can find a bunch of things for the sale, and the next day when I walk by the same spot, I find more. It reminds me of editing a novel. No matter how many times I revise, I can always find something else to edit the next time. (Yes, I did just make a correlation between the writing process and garage sales. Impressed?)

Editing is an age-old problem of writers:  It isn’t the fun part. It has to be done. But when is it enough? How many times do you need to edit a Continue reading “Reflections on a Garage Sale”