Books for Writers

The beginning of a new year is a time for reflection for many people. We start to look at things we’d like to accomplish or improve upon over the next 365 days.  Some of you may be thinking of getting creative by writing something:  your family history, a journal/diary, an article, a short story, poetry, song lyrics, or even a novel. If you are leaning toward writing fiction, I have some books I’d like to recommend that may help you wherever you are on your writing journey. I know this won’t apply to many of my blog readers, but as a writer, I feel it is important to share this information with those who may appreciate it.

First, let me talk about three books that are common ones recommended (for good reason) in author alphabetical order.


Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott




On Writing:  A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King




The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White




Now let me add a few others I found helpful:


Escaping into the Open: The Art of Writing True by Elizabeth Berg




The First 50 Pages by Jeff Gerke




Consider This by Chuck Palahniuk



This last one by Chuck Palahniuk (author of Fight Club) inspired me to write this blog post. Why? I was astonished at how many notes I took while reading it! I’ve been studying this craft for a long time now, so it took me by surprise that I found so many take-aways.

Palahniuk mixes practical words of wisdom for aspiring writers with hilarious anecdotes from his writing and book tour life. It may not be a book for everyone. Keep in mind, he wrote Fight Club. It didn’t surprise me that some of his stories were a bit raw, but if you find yourself being offended, get over it and push through. You’ll be glad you did. This one is a must have.

There are many great books out there to help aspiring writers. I’ve only listed a few recommended by authors I respect that I’ve also found valuable. A simple search on the internet will bring up many options for you. Read the descriptions to find one that will help you grow as a writer. You can also find titles that specialize, from writing science fiction to chick lit, to self-publishing, to writing query letters, etc.

One word of caution for the new writer: Don’t get so caught up in reading ABOUT writing that you never actually write. Understanding the craft and the publishing business is necessary to get your book out there, but put your writing time first.

Wishing you all a blessed, healthy and productive year ahead!