The Kindred Spirits Supper Club by Amy E. Reichert

Robin’s Rave Reviews

Looking for a Halloween read but don’t like gory or scary? This is it! I picked up The Kindred Spirits Supper Club by Amy E. Reichert when I was looking for a quick, light read.  I got so much more than I expected with this rom-com! 

The Kindred Spirits Supper Club by Amy E. Reichert

Sabrina’s job situation forces her to return to her hometown at the Wisconsin Dells.  The best job Sabrina can find is as a tour guide on the duck boats. To make her current situation worse, her boss is one of the girls who bullied her in high school who also happens to be engaged to Sabrina’s old boyfriend. 

Living back in her childhood home is bad enough, but Sabrina also has to face ghosts. Real ghosts. The women in her family are magnets for spirits who have unfinished business and need help to move on.   Whenever a ghost insists on her help, Sabrina appears to talk to herself. This was the cause of being bullied in high school.

The fun begins in the very first scene when a fight breaks out at a waterpark. A super-sized  margarita flying through the air hits Sabrina. That’s when Ryan, the love interest, enters the scene.  (How could I not be hooked with an opening like that?!) Sabrina never expects to see Ray again, but she keeps bumping into him. Ray moved to town to help his uncle with his supper club. When his uncle dies, Ray’s parents inherit the restaurant. He needs to make this restaurant work so they won’t sell it. Otherwise, he’ll have to return to NYC and his controlling parents.

Sabrina has a long-time friend in Molly, a spirit who can’t complete her unfinished business. Her presence causes awkward, humorous moments. On top of that, Sabrina is also navigating the deceased uncle who has unfinished business and his nephew who is romantically interested in her.  While Ray pursues Sabrina, she attempts to hide the odd behaviors that got her ostracized in school. Readers are entertained with humor and joy as Sabrina learns that her “curse” may actually be a gift.

The Kindred Spirits Supper Club is an enjoyable read if you need something light and fun. You may find yourself wanting to visit the Dells, take a duck boat tour, and try out the cheese curds at the supper club!

Click here to learn more about the author. If you like this book review, check out my other reviews on my blog here.

The Santa Suit by Mary Kay Andrews

Robin’s Rave Reviews – Christmas 2021 Edition

It may seem early, but The Santa Suit, a heart-warming Christmas novel, comes out September 28.  It can be pre-ordered now. (Remember:  buying a new book through pre-order or the first week of publication is the most helpful to an author.) The Santa Suit would make a great gift – even for yourself! Too busy to read during the holidays? No problem. The Santa Suit is a light, easy read with a Hallmark movie feel (but less predictable). You might just find the holiday stress slipping away while you read.

After her divorce Ivy moves to a small town and into an old farm house she bought sight unseen. Ezra, her hunky realtor, helps her fix immediate problems in the house  leading to sparks of romantic interest. Meanwhile, when clearing out items the previous owner left behind, Ivy finds an old Santa suit with a child’s note in the pocket. Ivy wants to solve the mystery of who the girl was and if her Christmas wish was fulfilled. This curiosity connects her to the small town community and culture right at Christmas-time while she makes new friends and reconnects others who have lost touch.

I have to admit, when I got the advanced reader copy, I wasn’t really in the mood to read a Christmas story in September, but I got sucked in right away. The Santa Suit feels Christmas-y without being cliché.  Every time I read a Mary Kay Andrews book, I’m in awe at how it flows so naturally. (MKA’s writing expertise makes it look easier than it is.)  MKA’s characters always feel real and relatable. She masterfully ties up loose ends I didn’t even realize were loose, tying everything together like a pretty Christmas bow on a special package.

If you like Mary Kay Andrews, take a moment to read my review on The Newcomer, the book she wrote before The Santa Suit.