The Wish by Nicholas Sparks

Robin’s Rave Reviews – 2022

What have you been reading? Share with me! I want to know! I recently read The Wish by Nicholas Sparks. When I finished the last page and closed the book, I sighed with contentment at having spent time with a wonderful story and enjoyable characters.

The Wish by Nicholas Sparks

The protagonist of The Wish is Maggie Dawes, a famous travel photographer who co-owns a gallery in New York City. A recent cancer diagnosis* causes her to reflect on her past. Through several conversations with her gallery assistant, she bravely shares her story of falling in love as a teen. After a naïve mistake at sixteen, Maggie found herself pregnant and was shipped off to Ocracoke, on the Outer Banks, to live with her aunt. Her aunt set up tutoring to help her get through her schoolwork with a local boy, Bryce.

Bryce is a smart, down-to-earth young man who is preparing to enter West Point. They start with a tutor/student relationship, but over time, they become friends. Through Bryce and his mom, Maggie discovers her passion for photography that later becomes her career. This innocent friendship turns into a sweet story of teenage first love. But the clock is ticking. She is due in May and he goes to West Point in July.

The story of Bryce is told over several encounters with the gallery assistant, Mark, taking the timeline seamlessly back and forth from 1996 in Ocracoke to 2019 in New York City. During the NYC timeline Mark helps Maggie enjoy the Christmas season in the city. Maggie and Mark build a friendship through doing several “tourist” activities she’s never taken time to do. (Although the novel takes place at Christmas, it isn’t what I would call a Christmas novel. You can read it any time of year.)

*Note: You should know Maggie has cancer before picking up the book,  just in case timing is bad, and you find yourself too sensitive to the topic to read the book right now. Sparks keeps a good emotional balance so the story doesn’t feel too dark.

Part of The Wish was predictable, but it was so enjoyable, I didn’t care. I had to keep reading because I loved the characters. The story ends in a satisfying way. If you like the Nicholas Spark formula, you’ll love this one!

The Wish by Nicholas Sparks in front of fireplaceIn case you missed them, here are links to other Nicholas Sparks book reviews I’ve done: Every Breath ( and a feature on the Kindred Spirits mailbox) and Two By Two. 

May I suggest buying The Wish through Your purchase helps local, independent bookshops stay in business!

So it’s cold outside, at least here in Ohio. What novels are you curling up with this winter? Comment below!

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Netgalley Professional Reader

A Mrs. Miracle Christmas by Debbie Macomber

Robin’s Rave Reviews – Christmas 2021 Edition

A Mrs. Miracle Christmas by Debbie Macomber

Robin's Rave Reviews - Christmas Edition 2021

This year I decided to read some Christmas themed books. I don’t usually do that, but for some unknown reason, I wanted to this year. You may have already read my reviews of The Santa Suit by Mary Kay Andrews and Once Upon a Wardrobe by Patti Callahan.  Here’s the next seasonal recommendation:  A Mrs. Miracle Christmas by Debbie Macomber.

A Mrs. Miracle Christmas is part of a series including Mrs. Miracle (1996), Call Me Mrs. Miracle (2010), Mr. Miracle (2014), and the one I’m reviewing, A Mrs. Miracle Christmas (2019). When I picked it up, I vaguely knew it was part of a series, but since I didn’t have the others, I dove in. I discovered I did NOT have to read the others first to enjoy this one. Then I discovered this novel (and at least four other Macomber novels) have been made into Hallmark channel movies. I’ll be checking those out next!

A Mrs. Miracle Christmas was a quick, sweet read.  Helen is having trouble living on her own since her memory isn’t what it once was. Her granddaughter Lauren and Lauren’s husband, Zach, move in to help with Helen’s care.  They need some help with Helen during the day while they’re at work, but when Lauren calls the local home-care organization, they tell Lauren no one is available until after the new year.

Miraculously, (get it?!) Mrs. Miracle arrives at the house to start work as a home-care companion. Lauren, who assumes the company sent her after all, has to admit she’s a godsend. Lauren doesn’t worry about Helen during the work day, and Helen seems happier and more energetic being engaged in activities with her new companion. Still, Lauren is a bit worried because Helen thinks Mrs. Miracle is a real angel.

That’s one problem Lauren can set aside. On the other hand, her marriage is on shaky ground. Zach continues to hope and pray for a baby to adopt. Lauren is too devastated after the last baby in their care was snatched out of her arms when the biological father decided he wanted the child.

Mrs. Miracle and Helen share a special, heavenly secret. Will Lauren and Zach believe the signs all around them? Will there be a miracle this Christmas?

If you’re looking for a book filled with Christmas cheer and relatable characters but won’t take up too much time from your busy to-do list, A Mrs. Miracle Christmas would be a good one to pick up.

New 2021 Holiday Novel

Debbie MacomberCheck out this link to a synopsis of Debbie Macomber’s newest holiday novel, Dear Santa. With over 200 million copies of her books in print worldwide, you can’t go wrong with a Debbie Macomber novel.

Happy reading! Happy holidays!


Netgalley Professional Reader

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The Kindred Spirits Supper Club by Amy E. Reichert

Robin’s Rave Reviews

Looking for a Halloween read but don’t like gory or scary? This is it! I picked up The Kindred Spirits Supper Club by Amy E. Reichert when I was looking for a quick, light read.  I got so much more than I expected with this rom-com! 

The Kindred Spirits Supper Club by Amy E. Reichert

Sabrina’s job situation forces her to return to her hometown at the Wisconsin Dells.  The best job Sabrina can find is as a tour guide on the duck boats. To make her current situation worse, her boss is one of the girls who bullied her in high school who also happens to be engaged to Sabrina’s old boyfriend. 

Living back in her childhood home is bad enough, but Sabrina also has to face ghosts. Real ghosts. The women in her family are magnets for spirits who have unfinished business and need help to move on.   Whenever a ghost insists on her help, Sabrina appears to talk to herself. This was the cause of being bullied in high school.

The fun begins in the very first scene when a fight breaks out at a waterpark. A super-sized  margarita flying through the air hits Sabrina. That’s when Ryan, the love interest, enters the scene.  (How could I not be hooked with an opening like that?!) Sabrina never expects to see Ray again, but she keeps bumping into him. Ray moved to town to help his uncle with his supper club. When his uncle dies, Ray’s parents inherit the restaurant. He needs to make this restaurant work so they won’t sell it. Otherwise, he’ll have to return to NYC and his controlling parents.

Sabrina has a long-time friend in Molly, a spirit who can’t complete her unfinished business. Her presence causes awkward, humorous moments. On top of that, Sabrina is also navigating the deceased uncle who has unfinished business and his nephew who is romantically interested in her.  While Ray pursues Sabrina, she attempts to hide the odd behaviors that got her ostracized in school. Readers are entertained with humor and joy as Sabrina learns that her “curse” may actually be a gift.

The Kindred Spirits Supper Club is an enjoyable read if you need something light and fun. You may find yourself wanting to visit the Dells, take a duck boat tour, and try out the cheese curds at the supper club!

Click here to learn more about the author. If you like this book review, check out my other reviews on my blog here.

The Santa Suit by Mary Kay Andrews

Robin’s Rave Reviews – Christmas 2021 Edition

It may seem early, but The Santa Suit, a heart-warming Christmas novel, comes out September 28.  It can be pre-ordered now. (Remember:  buying a new book through pre-order or the first week of publication is the most helpful to an author.) The Santa Suit would make a great gift – even for yourself! Too busy to read during the holidays? No problem. The Santa Suit is a light, easy read with a Hallmark movie feel (but less predictable). You might just find the holiday stress slipping away while you read.

After her divorce Ivy moves to a small town and into an old farm house she bought sight unseen. Ezra, her hunky realtor, helps her fix immediate problems in the house  leading to sparks of romantic interest. Meanwhile, when clearing out items the previous owner left behind, Ivy finds an old Santa suit with a child’s note in the pocket. Ivy wants to solve the mystery of who the girl was and if her Christmas wish was fulfilled. This curiosity connects her to the small town community and culture right at Christmas-time while she makes new friends and reconnects others who have lost touch.

I have to admit, when I got the advanced reader copy, I wasn’t really in the mood to read a Christmas story in September, but I got sucked in right away. The Santa Suit feels Christmas-y without being cliché.  Every time I read a Mary Kay Andrews book, I’m in awe at how it flows so naturally. (MKA’s writing expertise makes it look easier than it is.)  MKA’s characters always feel real and relatable. She masterfully ties up loose ends I didn’t even realize were loose, tying everything together like a pretty Christmas bow on a special package.

If you like Mary Kay Andrews, take a moment to read my review on The Newcomer, the book she wrote before The Santa Suit.

The Clockmaker’s Wife by Daisy Wood

Robin’s Rave Reviews

If you like WWII historical fiction with a strong female protagonist, you should check out The Clockmaker’s Wife by Daisy Wood that was just released on July 8.

The Clockmaker's Wife by Daisy WoodBig Ben, an icon known around the world, is a tourist must-see in London. During WWII Big Ben had an important job beyond telling the time. The nine o’clock chimes encouraged people to pray for peace during the Silent Minute that followed. It also rang in the BBC evening news listened to all over Nazi-occupied Europe. The author Daisy Wood stated, “The great bell represented freedom and better times to come; as long as it tolled, at least one country resisted oppression.” The Clockmaker’s Wife imagines what could have happened if Big Ben had been targeted by the enemy, but the fiction is surrounded by facts about London during WWII. Wood said, “…the loss of such a beacon of hope as the clock tower would have been a terrible blow to morale.”

DID YOU KNOW?  “Big Ben” isn’t the name of the clock nor the clock tower. It’s the name of the bell inside the clock.

This historical fiction is told through a dual timeline: 1940s in London and current day in both New York City and London.

LONDON:  In the war timeline the protagonist Nell is the wife of Arthur, one of a team of three that keeps Big Ben operational. Nell and baby Alice leave London to escape the bombings while Arthur stays behind to work. When Arthur is suddenly and inexplicably imprisoned, Nell returns to London to help get him released. Nell never questions her husband’s loyalty to his country, yet citizens were sometimes held with little proof of “working with the enemy” during the war. When Nell doesn’t make progress in helping him through traditional routes, she decides to investigate on her own. Her suspicions and questions lead her into dangerous territory.

NYC:  Baby Alice, now in her eighties, is recovering from hip surgery in a nursing home. During a visit, her daughter Ellie asks about Alice’s parents. Alice tells her that her father comes from a long line of clockmakers and that his job was working on Big Ben. Alice knows very little about her mother Nell since she was killed in the Blitz when Alice was only a baby. Since Alice’s father couldn’t bear talking about her, Nell was always a distant shadow to Alice. Ellie decides to bring the shadow into the light so her mom can know more about her mother before it’s too late. Ellie flies to London to uncover the truth about the kind of person Nell was and how she died. She discovers much more than she ever expected.

I like Nell’s character. A typical 1940s mother, perhaps, but when harsh circumstances hits her family, she steps up. She becomes a courageous woman putting her life at risk for her husband and her country. She develops into a much more interesting person than I was expecting. The story involving Nell is full of wartime intrigue.

I also like Ellie’s character. She recognizes that time passes too quickly and opportunities to learn about the past from those who lived it is limited. Also Ellie is a bridge between Alice and some broken family relationships. Doors had been closed for a long time that Ellie is able to reopen. 

Only a few things seemed weak to me. I would have liked to get deeper with Arthur’s character.  Also the love story of Ellie and Dan seemed a bit too quick, even though they’ve known each other for many years. Minor things, though.

Although this specific story is a work of fiction, I find myself wondering how many courageous stories from wars have been lost to time. I often think about the stories that get lost after just a few generations. Many of us are blessed enough to know at least some of our grandparents, but how often do we think to ask them about their younger lives? And when they pass, their stories, and the stories of their parents and grandparents, are lost. I know I regret not asking more questions of my parents and grandfather when they were still alive.

I highly recommend this book, but I also recommend that you don’t let your life events get lost. Your grandchildren and their children CAN know a bit about who you are, rather than just a shadow in an old picture. Take time to sit down with your children/grandchildren and tell them the stories. Don’t wait for them to ask. Too often they don’t see the value in those questions until it’s too late. Even if you aren’t an author, write down stories from your childhood and about your parents and grandparents along with your reflections on the significant events you’ve lived through. If you don’t want to write it, record it! Passing down a written document, video or voice recording will keep the stories more accurate rather than relying on the memory of others who didn’t live it. Everyone has experiences of value to share with the next generations. It’s your legacy.

Whether you buy or borrow, I hope you’ll come back and comment here after you’ve read The Clockmaker’s Wife by Daisy Wood. And don’t forget to leave even a short review (like 5 stars) on places like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, etc. If you love to read, please tell others about books and authors you love! If you like this book, check out the links to these WWII historical fiction books I’ve previously reviewed by Kristin Harmel:  The Winemaker’s Wife, The Book of Lost Names, and The Forest of Vanishing Stars.

Although I loved this book, after this review I’m taking a break from historical fiction to do some lighter reading this summer! Thank you to Netgalley and Harper Collins for an ARC of The Clockmaker’s Wife. I have shared my honest opinion.

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The Forest of Vanishing Stars by Kristin Harmel

Hello readers!  I wanted to tell you about another great book to check out – The Forest of Vanishing Stars by Kristin Harmel.  It’s already creating a buzz in the book world even before its July 6 publication date.

The Forest of Vanishing Stars by Kristin Harmel

Kristin, a master storyteller through the historical fiction outlet, continues her exploration of the Jewish experience during WWII. She takes a fresh angle by setting the book in the forests where Jews are hiding, rather than in the ghettos or extermination camps.

Twenty-some years ago a woman kidnapped two-year-old Yona  from her German parents. (Don’t worry. This isn’t a spoiler. The kidnapping happens right at the opening of the book.) Since then they have lived together in the forest. Yona is taught survival skills – how to provide food, shelter and physical protection for herself. Just as the war closes in on them, her kidnapper dies leaving Yona on her own.

Russian partisans and German troops begin canvassing the forests for Jews who have escaped nearby occupied towns. Although Yona was taught to fear people, she feels the need to help the Jews she finds in the forest. She can teach them the skills they need to survive.

For a book set mainly in the forest, it covers many topics: love, family, betrayal, surprises, danger, sacrifice, evil, discovery of self, questioning of ancestry, leadership vs. power, and more. 

The story feels realistic because it has balance. Yona can help some of the groups she encounters; others she cannot.  Sometimes she feels like part of a family and sometimes she feels like the outsider. She makes mistakes and she makes wise decisions. Other characters aren’t simply good or bad; they are complicated like real people. Continue reading “The Forest of Vanishing Stars by Kristin Harmel”

This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger

Hello readers!

Time to share another book worth your attention – This Tender Land. (Believe me, I read books I don’t share here because they just don’t make the cut!) Read the description below to see if this one interests you. Although I usually review books aimed at women, this historical fiction would definitely be of interest to men as well.

Living through The Great Depression is hard enough. Throw in four orphans involved in a crime and on the run from an abusive Indian school by canoeing down the rivers of Minnesota toward the Mississippi and you have an intense coming-of-age adventure reminiscent of Huckleberry Finn.

Odie and Albert O’Banion are the only white children at the Native American school. After a crime is committed, they flee with their friend Mose, a young Sioux at the school who is mute. At the last minute they include another friend, Emmy. As the four journey down the river, they rely on their instincts and the kindness of other people struggling through the depression. As kids, they need to learn to discern who to trust, and they don’t always get it right.  Loyalties and friendships are tested along the way. The journey includes displays of kindness, forgiveness, generosity, acceptance and self-discovery with a dash of mystery and a lesson in morality. 

 In a snapshot of The Great Depression Krueger has captured the essence of the American landscape including a traveling show with a faith healer, rail riders, and shantytowns dotting the banks of the rivers. William Kent Krueger has written This Tender Land so masterfully, I expect it will endure the test of time.

The book runs over 450 pages, but you wouldn’t want it to be any shorter. You may even find yourself wishing for more! These four children will touch your heart in a special way as you journey along with them .

If you’ve already read it, what did you think? If you haven’t, does my review tempt you to get a copy? I’d love to hear in the comments!



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