Strange Dreams

As I was watching the news, an interesting side story was brought up. Yes, it still related to COVID-19. What doesn’t these days? But it wasn’t one of the typical branches from this topic. The topic was dreams. Apparently people are reporting remembering more strange dreams. It makes sense with all the stress and uncertainty about the future. And we all know how our subconscious can turn a thought or feeling into something wild in a dream.

Photo by Jay Mantri

Ever have an experience of waking up and remembering a dream that could never possibly happen and yet it seemed perfectly normal in the dream? Funny how we don’t question it when we’re dreaming.



Photo by Jay Mantri

So I was wondering, what strange dreams have you been having since the virus started, since you’ve had additional concern about your health and the health of loved ones, since so many have lost jobs, since we’ve been social distancing and isolating ourselves in our houses? Anyone willing to share?

Wishing you sweet dreams and good health!