The Island by Elin Hilderbrand

Robin’s Rave Reviews 2024 

Thinking about your reading list for this summer? If you’re looking for a good older book you may have missed, try THE ISLAND by Elin Hilderbrand. THE ISLAND came out in 2010, so it should be easy to find at the library and at bookstores.

The Island by Elin Hilderbrand book cover


THE ISLAND is a story of familial and romantic love, recovery from tragedy, sibling rivalry, and family support. The story reveals the individual paths four women have taken for love and the course each path set for their futures.


Shortly after Chess called off her wedding, her ex-fiancé tragically dies rock climbing. To help her through this dark time, her mother Birdie, her aunt India and her sister Tate take Chess to their family vacation home for a full month. They haven’t been back to the house on Tuckernuck Island near Nantucket in over a decade. They hope the family memories and serenity of the location will be healing.

The homes on Tuckernuck have no electricity, no heat or air conditioning, no hot water, no internet, and no cell service. A vacation home caretaker whom Birdie hired years ago has been checking on the house. When he retired, his son Barrett Lee took over the business. Birdie sent Barrett money to make the place livable for their visit since it had been neglected for so long. Upon their arrival, Barrett supplies their transportation by boat between Nantucket and Tuckernuck. He also brings them mail and groceries. Barrett, who is a widow with a child, focuses on keeping all of his clients happy, but one client, Nantucket socialite Anita Fullin, is jealous. She doesn’t want to share Barrett’s time and attention with the other family. Tate’s focus is also on Barrett, hoping this could be the summer he finally notices her.

The characters each have their own story and baggage. Birdie, the mom, is still recovering from her divorce. Free-spirited, artsy India is rediscovering herself after her husband’s death. Computer geek Tate thinks her sister has always had the advantage, but she still wants to support her. Chess, who is dealing with her grief and guilt, is also hiding a deeper secret.

My Thoughts

I really enjoyed this novel. The island/beach setting is right up my alley. I love a good book about love and family relationships. Birdie’s journey was a bit too predictable for me, but I did like that each character’s journey and personality was unique and had depth. Elin Hilderbrand has a way of breathing life into complex, distinctive characters.

My favorite character storylines were India and Tate. India is a widow, but her reflections on her marriage with a famous artist husband felt realistic, and her free-spirit was interesting. Tate has a successful career, but love hasn’t been in the picture. She has always felt she was in her sister’s shadow. With memories of Barrett from their summer trips years ago, she wonders if she might have a shot with him. Her same old fear rears its head – Is he more interested in Chess?

If you’re considering your summer reading list, THE ISLAND by Elin Hilderbrand is a great addition. If you like this book, check out my review on The Identicals, another Hilderbrand book here.


Note About My Book Reviews This Year

Although I love reading books close to when they’re published, I have so many older books on my TBR (To Be Read) pile! I want to catch up on some of them. This year I promised myself I’d work on those more than new releases. My blog will reflect that. Sure, you’ll still see some newer books or ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) because I automatically say yes to certain authors’ books, but you’ll see some older outstanding books here as well. Hope you enjoy the mix of older and newer in my reviews this year!

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