Summers at the Saint by Mary Kay Andrews

Robin’s Rave Reviews 2024 5 Stars

What a treat to read an advanced reader copy (ARC) of SUMMERS AT THE SAINT by Mary Kay Andrews!

Summers at the Saint by Mary Kay Andrews book coverThis book is just fabulous! I love it so much that I did a thing. I wrote to the author directly! Although I write a lot of reviews, I seldom write to the author personally. Even after decades of writing, Mary Kay Andrews just keeps getting better and better! She makes something so difficult (writing a book that hooks the reader) look so easy.

So let’s talk about SUMMERS AT THE SAINT!


Summertime, beach resort, romance, mystery…and murder.

The St. Cecelia resort, nicknamed “The Saint,” welcomes the rich who vacation there year after year on the Georgia coast. The people who can afford to stay here are called the Saints. Locals are the Ain’ts.

Traci, one of the Ain’ts who worked as a teenage lifeguard at the hotel, ended up marrying one of the owner’s sons. Now widowed, she’s the owner of the hotel. Her ruthless brother-in-law Ric is appalled that his brother’s death left Traci as the owner of the hotel part of the business. He is a constant thorn in her side while she’s trying to bring The Saint back to a 5-star hotel after Covid caused financial troubles and staffing issues. 

Those aren’t Traci’s only troubles. An accidental drowning from years ago comes back to haunt her. She and her friend Shannon were the lifeguards on duty when it happened. Now, when another tragic death occurs on the grounds, Traci is barely holding it all together. She’s also beginning to realize so much more is going on behind the scenes at the hotel. However, the possibility of romance adds some relief to the craziness in Traci’s life.

My Thoughts

I expected SUMMERS AT THE SAINT to be a women’s fiction/romance/ beach read. It is, but it’s so much more! Cozy mystery readers will also love this one.

It was a light, easy-read story with twists and turns you won’t see coming. Filled with juicy secrets, family discord, shady deals, murder, past indiscretions, strong females, misplaced trust, new employees with all their “baggage,” and a side dish of romance, you’ll need to set aside time for this one. Once you start it,  you’ll put everything else on hold.

Right when I thought I understood everything that was going on at The Saint, MKA threw in a new detail or twist. I kept wondering how deep she would go! Could she possibly come up with another unexpected turn?

At first I was concerned about the large cast of characters and keeping them straight. Silly me. The writing was in the hands of a master. Not only could I keep them straight, they were all necessary to the story. Every time I thought I had the whole picture of how all the characters were intertwined, Mary Kay would throw in another twist. Don’t let the introduction of all the characters discourage you from reading on.

Reserve your spot at The Saint and put SUMMERS AT THE SAINT by Mary Kay Andrews on your 2024 summer reading list. The pub date is coming up — May 7, 2024. Did you know it REALLY helps an author if you pre-order? You can pre-order from any bookstore, but I like to support independent bookstores here through 

Book Tour

If you live in NE Ohio like me, register to meet MKA in person and have her sign your book. She’ll be at the Parma-Powers Branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library on Tuesday, May 14 at 7 PM. I’ll be there! Register here. For other tour stops, click here.


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Netgalley Professional Reader

Bright Lights, Big Christmas by Mary Kay Andrews

Robin’s Rave Reviews5 Stars

It may seem early to talk Christmas, but Bright Lights, Big Christmas by Mary Kay Andrews releases on September 26. Get your gifts bought early. Pre-order from your favorite store now! Yes, pre-ordering does make a difference! You could always go to, a great place that supports Mom and Pop bookstores. (Hint. Hint.)

Robin's Rave Reviews - Christmas Edition 2021

I loved Bright Lights, Big Christmas. If you want a feel-good Christmas story filled with making new friends, believing in yourself, finding love, and supporting family, this is it! Bright Lights, Big Christmas is a holiday hug ending with a satisfying sigh. I loved MKA’s last Christmas story, The Santa Suit, but this one is even better. You will not be disappointed!


When Kerry Tolliver finds herself in-between jobs, she’s lost as to what’s next in life. She returns to her hometown in the North Carolina mountains where her father and brother run the Tolliver Christmas Tree Farm. Due to her father’s health issues, he can’t make the trip to NYC to sell the trees. Kerry steps in to help. She and her grumpy, older brother spend a month selling trees in a NYC neighborhood where their family has sold trees for decades. For a full month, they camp in a vintage (run-down) trailer next to the tree lot. The trailer is fondly called Spammy because of the canned ham shape.  : )

Kerry discovers that the neighbors and shop owners already know and love her brother. Her family has developed community support and loyalty over the many years.

The story is about connecting with and caring for people. The community wraps the Tollivers in their love, and Kerry deeply connects with this group of quirky, lovable people. These neighbors care about each other. They check in on each other and help those in need. (I want this version of a NYC neighborhood to exist. I’ve never been there, so I’ll dream that it does.) Kerry especially gets involved in the lives of a divorced man and his son, and a mysterious older gentleman who gives her pointers on her drawings. 


Think about your Christmas list. I’m sure you’ll find one copy of Bright Lights, Big Christmas will not be enough for all your loved ones who would love this book. Check out my reviews on these other Mary Kay Andrews’s books: The Santa Suit, The Homewreckers, The Newcomer, and Sunset Beach.

Thank you St. Martin’s Press, Mary Kay Andrews and NetGalley for the ARC of Bright Lights, Big Christmas. The opinions are my own.


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Netgalley Professional Reader

The Homewreckers by Mary Kay Andrews

Robin’s Rave Reviews – 2022

What would summer be without another hit by Mary Kay Andrews? The Homewreckers is perfect for you to read at the beach, by a pool or in your own backyard.

When Mary Kay writes a book, it’s a no brainer for me. I’m going to read it. They are always enjoyable and filled with her characteristic wit. Her novels, romance mixed with a mystery, are always light and entertaining.

If, like me, you enjoy watching home renovations shows, you’ll enjoy this novel. The Homewreckers is a fun story with MKA’s take on a home remodeling show facing countless problems, and that’s before a body is found!

Hattie Kavanaugh is flipping houses on Tybee Island. After some professional setbacks, she is putting everything on the line with her next house. When Mo, a television producer, asks her to do a beach house renovation show, Hattie realizes this job could save her and get her back on her feet. Even so, she isn’t thrilled with the idea of being on camera. And, used to making all the decisions herself, working with her co-host designer Trae and his big, on-camera personality will be a challenge.

As if constant problems with the rehab and a tightening timeline from the network aren’t enough, a mystery surfaces that involves the police. The wallet of a woman who has been missing for seventeen years is found in the wall of the house. Now they’re shooting the show on  a potential crime scene as well. Leave it to Mary Kay Andrews to make a murder mystery delightful through the ups and downs of home renovations and a love triangle.

Fun side note:

This may be a case of life being stranger than fiction. Mary Kay and her husband have rehabbed several houses on Tybee Island which are now vacation rental properties. Last year, as they were working on their latest house, Coquina Cottage, a woman’s wallet was found in the wall. Somehow, years before, the wallet had been pushed through the razor blade slot, common in old medicine cabinets.

The documents inside the billfold identified its owner as Melba Lanier. The wallet held photos, an American Legion ID card, her commissary card, and other documents. Mary Kay reached out to the public through social media and found Melba’s children. Unfortunately Melba had since passed away. Mary Kay learned that she had lived in Coquina Cottage for a year in 1954 with her husband, Jack, when they were newlyweds.  Mary Kay gave the wallet to Melba’s children and has put a tribute to her on a wall in the rental cottage.

The real mystery still is – how and why did Melba Lanier’s wallet get pushed through that slot in the wall? Mary Kay used this mystery to fuel her imagination, and it became part of her storyline in The Homewreckers.  She used Melba’s last name, Lanier, as the first name of a woman missing for seventeen years in the story. If the real-life mystery intrigues you, click here to see a video of a TV news story on the found wallet.

I’ve reviewed several books by Mary Kay Andrews in my blog. If Mary Kay is a new author to you, check my reviews on these books as well:  The Newcomer, Sunset Beach, and The Santa Suit.


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The Santa Suit by Mary Kay Andrews

Robin’s Rave Reviews – Christmas 2021 Edition

It may seem early, but The Santa Suit, a heart-warming Christmas novel, comes out September 28.  It can be pre-ordered now. (Remember:  buying a new book through pre-order or the first week of publication is the most helpful to an author.) The Santa Suit would make a great gift – even for yourself! Too busy to read during the holidays? No problem. The Santa Suit is a light, easy read with a Hallmark movie feel (but less predictable). You might just find the holiday stress slipping away while you read.

After her divorce Ivy moves to a small town and into an old farm house she bought sight unseen. Ezra, her hunky realtor, helps her fix immediate problems in the house  leading to sparks of romantic interest. Meanwhile, when clearing out items the previous owner left behind, Ivy finds an old Santa suit with a child’s note in the pocket. Ivy wants to solve the mystery of who the girl was and if her Christmas wish was fulfilled. This curiosity connects her to the small town community and culture right at Christmas-time while she makes new friends and reconnects others who have lost touch.

I have to admit, when I got the advanced reader copy, I wasn’t really in the mood to read a Christmas story in September, but I got sucked in right away. The Santa Suit feels Christmas-y without being cliché.  Every time I read a Mary Kay Andrews book, I’m in awe at how it flows so naturally. (MKA’s writing expertise makes it look easier than it is.)  MKA’s characters always feel real and relatable. She masterfully ties up loose ends I didn’t even realize were loose, tying everything together like a pretty Christmas bow on a special package.

If you like Mary Kay Andrews, take a moment to read my review on The Newcomer, the book she wrote before The Santa Suit.

The Newcomer by Mary Kay Andrews

What a joy to read! Even after writing nearly thirty books, Mary Kay’s voice still feels fresh in her newest book, The Newcomer. Her characters feel like people from your hometown put into unthinkable situations and danger. I didn’t want the story to end, and yet I couldn’t help but keep reading. It was entertaining and addictive!

“Her characters feel like people from your hometown….”

When Letty arrives at her sister Tanya’s apartment and discovers her body, Letty runs with her 4-year-old niece, Maya.  Suspecting danger, Tanya had warned Letty to run with Maya if anything happened to her. They flee from NYC to a small, old-Florida style motel that caters to long-term seasonal retirees. In time Letty, the “newcomer,” is accepted by the close-knit residents and the local cop, son of the motel’s owner, becoming part of the quirky “family.”  

Letty suspects Maya’s father in the murder although another suspect could also be a danger to them. And then there’s the small problem that Letty was seen leaving Tanya’s apartment making her a suspect as well. Can she trust Joe, the cop, to help protect them and catch the murderer?

“The Newcomer will be flying off the shelves as beach read season approaches.”

Readers will cheer for and worry about Letty and Maya. A murder mystery with romance, family complications, and greed surrounded with quirky characters at the Mom and Pop motel in Florida – so much to love! The Newcomer will be flying off the shelves as beach read season approaches. Get your pre-order in now for the May 4 release date! (Pre-orders really do help out authors.)

Thanks goes to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

Friends and Fiction Author Chats

I want to share something with you that shouldn’t be kept a secret. Do you remember in  my recent book review on The Beach House by Mary Alice Monroe, I mentioned a Facebook group I came across during the pandemic? The Friends and Fiction FB group is sponsored by five women fiction authors:  Mary Kay Andrews/Kathy Trocheck (Hello, Summer), Mary Alice Monroe (On Ocean Boulevard), Kristin Harmel (The Book of Lost Names), Patti Callahan Henry (Becoming Mrs. Lewis), and Kristy Woodson Harvey (Feels Like Falling). (The books listed are their most recent.)

During the pandemic these authors felt the need to connect with each other since they couldn’t get together in person. They started connecting through Zoom for a virtual happy hour –  enjoying a drink while talking books. They realized how much they were missing in-person book tours and meeting their fans so they decided to open up their weekly chat to fans by making it a weekly live video on Facebook each Wednesday at 7 pm eastern. (You can also view it later at your leisure on the FB page.) In just a few months this Facebook group has already gained 14,000 members! What started as a “limited time event” looks like it’s here to stay.

Sometimes the live chats are the five of them discussing writing and books while other times they invite a special guest to join them. Past guests have included Delia Owens (Where the Crawdad Sings), Jasmine Guillory (Party of Two), Susan Elizabeth Phillips (Dance Away with Me), Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle (Close Up)),  Lisa Wingate (The Book of Lost Friends), and Drew Copeland and Ken Block (members of the band Sister Hazel) to name a few. Upcoming interviews on the summer calendar include Elin Hilderbrand on Aug. 5 (TOMORROW!), Karin Slaughter on Aug. 12,  Kristina McMorris on Aug. 19, the Friends and Fiction 5 on Aug. 26, and Etaf Rum on Sept. 2. The F&F5 are finalizing other author interviews for the fall. 

“The authors quickly make fans feel like good friends just hanging out together.”


I look forward to watching the live video on Facebook every Wednesday. The authors quickly make fans feel like good friends just hanging out together. We can also submit questions for them and for their guest authors. An independent bookstore is highlighted each week as the authors encourage fans to support them, especially while these businesses are struggling during the pandemic.

Friends and Fiction is a closed FB group, but anyone can join. On Facebook type Friends and Fiction in the “search groups” bar. Just ask to join and soon you will have access to their past videos, their live videos on Wednesdays, and comments and recommendations from other fans/readers. (Also check out I’m amazed that with all these ladies have on their plates they want to continue doing this, but I’m so glad they do. Come join us!

Sunset Beach by Mary Kay Andrews

Meeting Mary Kay Andrews

Put Sunset Beach by Mary Kay Andrews on your reading list even though the summer is coming to an end.  It isn’t about lounging around on the sand and it’s not a romance on the beach. It is about a young woman, Drue, moving past tough experiences in life to create new possibilities while helping others and finding justice. 

After Drue’s mother dies, she finds herself in a tough spot in life. She decides to move back to her hometown and take a job at her father’s  law firm even though he hasn’t been a part of her life since she was 15. Drue learns that she inherited her grandparents beach house, but it’s in rough shape.

While fixing the place up, Drue finds newspaper clippings and a police file from the ’70’s on a missing person case that was never solved. Her curiosity is piqued about both the missing woman and her family’s connection to it. Meanwhile, a disgruntled woman visits the law office wanting to see Drue’s father. The woman’s daughter was killed while housekeeping at an area hotel. Although Drue’s father won the case, he wasn’t able to get much money. The hotel claimed the daughter was killed while working which made it a workman’s comp case with a cap of $150,000 for a settlement. The woman is struggling financially to raise her granddaughter and can’t get to the money until the child turns 18. Drue feels the settlement is ridiculously low and wonders what can be done to help the woman and her granddaughter. Without her father’s knowledge, she begins to investigate both situations.

After reading so many beach romances, I found this book refreshing. Even with the murder mystery, it is still a light read, not the kind of story that keeps you awake a night. The characters and plot kept me engaged.  I enjoyed a strong female character who took chances while investigating. Sometimes her curiosity put her in danger, but her motive was always to help someone.  I enjoyed it enough that I will definitely read more books by Mary Kay Andrews.

Author Sighting – Mary Kay Andrews

As an aspiring author, I am always looking for opportunities to meet and listen to people who have been successful in their writing careers.  Recently I went to a meet and greet for Mary Kay Andrews, a NY Times bestselling author. She has published 26 novels including The Weekenders, The High Tide Club, Hissy Fit and her newest novel that just hit #5 on the NY Times Best Sellers List, Sunset Beach.

How fun to meet the person behind the books you read! I loved listening to Mary Kay (Kathy Hogan Trocheck) talk about what sparked the idea for a plot or a character, how she chose character names, what her writing routine is like, and why she’s made certain choices in her writing style.

It is always a pleasure to hear authors speak. Over the years I have been  blessed to hear Elin Hilderbrand, James Dashner, Mary Higgins Clark, John Berendt . . . and now Mary Kay Andrews. Later this summer I’m excited to hear Jane Green and Dorothea Benton Frank.

Each time I meet a successful author, I’m reminded that he/she is a regular person like me. It reinforces that I can publish my book, too! I just have to have patience and persistence.

Watch for my review of Mary Kay Andrew’s Sunset Beach coming soon.

Hugs to you all!
