Summer’s Almost Gone

Photography by Daria

I can hardly believe it will be August tomorrow. As people always say, where has the summer gone?  I’ve had a busy summer so I haven’t blogged recently. If your summer has been as busy, you probably haven’t missed them! I know the reasons for not blogging are really all excuses, but time slips through our fingers.  

We bought a house, moved, and sold a house. That says a lot right there! The packing, unpacking, finding the perfect spot for most things, weeding out what needs to go (Does it bring me joy, Marie Kondo?), painting walls, rehanging pictures, filling in all those little things that the new house needs . . . , it all takes time and energy. Then add those things we really want to do like enjoying our grandchildren, attending family events, being available to help loved ones,  spending time together as a couple to keep our marriage strong, going to craft/art shows, catching up on the new season of Stranger Things on Netflix, etc. (There are priorities, of course!) Then add all the things you have to do: bill paying, doctor/dentist visits, yard maintenance – you know the list.

We are mostly settled now, but as we approach August we want to soak up as much of summer as we can while it’s still here. I hope for more walks at the beach, swims in the community pool, picnics with friends/family, outdoor fun with the grandkids and games of corn hole in the backyard. 

If your summer has flown by, take time to evaluate what you haven’t been doing (or doing enough of) to enjoy the season while it’s here. Then make time to do it! Schedule it! We all know what’s around the corner.  Share with me what’s on your list.

Until next time!


Moving Time!

I can hardly believe it, but it’s true. My husband and I are moving . . . again!

It seems so surreal since we moved to Avon Lake only a year and a half ago. Before that, we raised our kids in a house where we lived for 18 years in the same town where I grew up.  Like many parents, once our kids left the nest,  moving to Florida was tempting, but we decided to move closer to our daughter and her family. Yes, the grandkids won out.

We found a great house in a great location, half a block from the lake. We spent the next year making it our own. It was my chance to decorate our house with a coastal vibe. We painted every room, replaced windows and a furnace, laid new flooring with a reclaimed look, and tweaked every nook and cranny. It is a cute lake cottage home, if I do say so myself.

But, as we lived in it, we realized it wasn’t quite the right house for us. When family visits, it’s cramped. We are used to more square footage and a more open floor plan. My husband doesn’t have a workshop space here for his crafting business. He creates home decor out of driftwood. He’s so talented and creative! (Search Lakeshore Treasure Decor on Facebook.) 

He tries to use space in the laundry room, but that doesn’t work well when the sawdust starts to fly! And my years of standing all day while teaching have taken a toll on my knees, but we bought a house with the laundry room in the basement. Huh. We considered adding on but discovered it made more financial sense to look for a house with more of what we needed.  Long story short, after only a year and a half in our cute lake cottage, we are moving to another house in the same town. Here we go packing up again – hopefully for the last time!

Before we move into the new house, we’ve started painting inside it. My husband and I are a great team when it comes to painting rooms. I’m the one who trims the room. I like trimming. I have a steady hand to paint straight lines up at the ceiling. My husband always rolls the walls. After painting, we plan to update the flooring. Although we’re not looking forward to all this work again, we are looking forward to making this new house our home. And we’re hoping to sell our current house soon.

With our hands covered in paint right now, it made me wonder – do you enjoy painting your rooms? What are your color pallets? Are you the roller or the trimmer? Do you have any memorable moments while painting to share? I’d love to hear from you all!