The Story She Left Behind by Patti Callahan Henry

Robin’s Reviews 2025

Book cover for The Story She Left Behind by Patti Callahan Henry

THE STORY SHE LEFT BEHIND by Patti Callahan Henry is a beautifully written novel about an impossible choice made by a mother, the emotional scars left in her daughter’s heart, and a book that might heal her pain decades later.


As a child prodigy, Bronwyn writes a book that becomes famous. As an adult, she writes the long-awaited sequel. The book is written in a coded language Bronwyn created and is yet unpublished. Under mysterious circumstances in 1927, she leaves her husband and her 8-year-old daughter Clara, and takes the dictionary needed to translate the cipher. The family believes Bronwyn is dead, and the pages are gone forever.

Twenty-five years later, Clara receives a phone call from Charlie, a stranger living in London. He claims her mother’s papers have been discovered. Her mother’s abandonment has haunted Clara and driven her need for answers and resolution. Suspicious but hopeful that the papers are real, Clara travels with her daughter Wynnie from South Carolina to London to retrieve them.

They arrive during The Great Smog of 1952. To escape the toxic air in London, they travel with Charlie to his family’s retreat in the Lake district, near where Beatrix Potter lived. While staying at the country estate, Clara must find the courage to uncover her mother’s secrets and the story she left behind.

My Thoughts

It’s fascinating that the real life and disappearance of author Barbara Newhall Follett inspired Patti’s novel. I had never heard of Barbara Newhall Follett, so of course I looked her up. You should, too! I appreciate that books have the power to bring someone unknown or nearly forgotten back into the spotlight.

Photo of author Patti Callahan Henry
Author Patti Callahan Henry

So many times while reading this novel, I marveled at Patti Callahan Henry’s descriptions. Take time while you’re reading to savor the language she uses.

Clara goes through many trials in the story to get answers, but the ending is satisfying. The Story She Left Behind is filled with discovery, connection, understanding, forgiveness, lost family, and unexpected love.

Thanks to Atria Books and NetGalley for the ARC of this novel. The opinion are my own.

THE STORY SHE LEFT BEHIND’s pub date is March 18, 2025, but preordering is VERY helpful to authors. I suggest ordering through since they help support small, independent bookstores across the county: order hardback or ebook here.

If You Like…

If you like THE STORY SHE LEFT BEHIND, check out these past recommendations by Patti Callahan Henry: The Secret Life of Flora Lea and Once Upon a Wardrobe.

Drop me a comment below! What are you reading that you’d recommend? Who are your favorite authors?  Ask me a question about books and/or writing. I’d love to hear from you!

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Netgalley Professional Reader

The Secret Book of Flora Lea – Take 2

This is a redo of a post that looks fine on my website but came out all wonky for blog followers who get the email version, so here’s The Secret Book of Flora Lea – Take 2!

Robin’s Rave Reviews 2023

5 Stars

Photo of The Secret Book of Flora Lea next to a fairy garden cottage.You may have seen my excitement opening my book mail when The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry arrived. If you missed it, check it out on Facebook or Instagram. Now let me tell you how good this book is! The further I got into the book, the faster the pages flew by, and I was hooked. When I finished, I looked around and realized I’d left my world behind for a time. That’s the sign of a good book! The Secret Book of Flora Lea has already made the NY Times Best Seller List for several weeks.


During WWII, Operation Pied Piper sent English children out of the cities to the countryside to protect them from falling bombs. The novel revolves around sisters (fourteen-year-old Hazel and five-year-old Flora Lea) who are sent to a small village outside Oxford. Luckier than some, they are billeted by a kind Bridie Aberdeen and her teenage son, Harry, who live in an enchanting stone cottage along the River Thames. Hazel creates a fairytale about Whisperwood, an enchanted forest, as a comfort mechanism for her sister. When Flora mysteriously vanishes and is believed to have drowned, Hazel blames herself. Twenty years later, Hazel comes across a fairytale book from America called Whisperwood and the River of Stars. Could the sister who disappeared so many years ago be alive? Could Flora be the author?

Robin Shelley with author Patti Callahan Henry at a book signing

The Secret Book of Flora Lea examines the bond of sisters, the conflict of loving two men at once, the scars of guilt and grief, and perseverance to never give up hope. And to keep you guessing, Patti adds surprising twists to the twenty-year-old mystery. So good! Now let’s hope this post, The Secret Book of Flora Lea – Take 2, translates correctly for my email blog followers as I press the “Publish” button!

Check out my other reviews of Patti Callahan Henry’s work: Once Upon a Wardrobe, Surviving Savannah, and Becoming Mrs. Lewis. To learn more about the author, go to

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Netgalley Professional Reader


The Secret Book of Flora Lea

Robin’s Rave Reviews 20235 Stars

You may have seen my excitement opening my book mail when The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry arrived. If you missed it, here it is on Facebook and Instagram. Now let me tell you how good this book is! The further I got into the book, the faster the pages flew by, and I was hooked. When I finished, I looked around and realized I’d left my world behind for a time. This book has already been on the NY Times Best Sellers List for two weeks since it came out in early May.
Photo of The Secret Book of Flora Lea next to a fairy garden cottage.Summary
During WWII, Operation Pied Piper sent English children out of the cities to the countryside to protect them from falling bombs. The novel revolves around sisters (fourteen-year-old Hazel and five-year-old Flora Lea) who are sent to a small village outside Oxford. Luckier than some, they are billeted by a kind Bridie Aberdeen and her teenage son, Harry, in an enchanting stone cottage along the River Thames. Hazel creates a fairytale about Whisperwood, an enchanted forest, as a comfort mechanism for her sister.  When Flora mysteriously vanishes, Hazel blames herself. Twenty years later, Hazel comes across a fairytale book from America called Whisperwood and the River of Stars. Could the sister who disappeared so many years ago be alive? Could Flora be the author?
Robin Shelley with author Patti Callahan Henry at a book signing
The Secret Book of Flora Lea examines the bond of sisters, the conflict of loving two men at once, the scars of guilt and grief, and a young woman who never gives up hope. And to keep you guessing, Patti adds surprising twists to the 20-year-old mystery.  So good!
Check out my other reviews of Patti Callahan Henry’s work:  Once Upon a Wardrobe, Surviving Savannah, and Becoming Mrs. Lewis.


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Netgalley Member Professional Reader

Sneak Peek of Upcoming Book Reviews

It’s good to be back! And I’ve got some good stuff for you. I’ve returned with a sneak peek of upcoming book reviews! You see, I’ve been reading a lot. What else was a girl to do while recovering from surgery?Twisty road in Nevada desert

Life is full of twists and turns, valleys and mountaintops. Although I prefer the mountaintops, I’ve been traversing my way through the twists, turns and valleys for the last few months, including surgery for my rotator cuff and bicep. Although I had a similar surgery done two years ago on the other arm, this one has been a much harder recovery. So, three months later, I’m still having pain and I don’t have full range of movement, but I’m working through the PT to recover. I just couldn’t wait any longer to reconnect with you!

When I couldn’t hold my arm up to type yet, I read. So – I have some great book reviews coming up! I’ll spread them out so you don’t have to rush out to get them all at once. I found it interesting that I was picking a wider variety of books, some out of the genres I usually read. But that’s great! Maybe my venturing out will give you something new to consider, too. Some books are brand new and others have been out a few years.

A new book review will come out later this week. Make sure you watch your email for it! If you don’t get email notifications when I write a new blog, why not?  I promise I won’t stuff your inbox. (I normally only write 2-3 blogs per month.)  Don’t put it off. I know how it goes. If you tell yourself you’ll do it later, you probably won’t. You simply need to type in your email address. Sign up on the bottom of any page on my website or go directly to  Do it! Do it now!

And now… (drumroll please), here’s a sneak peek at some of the book reviews coming in the next few months ( in no particular order):

The Liz Taylor Ring by Brenda Janowitz, Beautiful Little Fools by Jillian Cantor (for The Great Gatsby fans), The Peachtree Bluff series by Kristy Woodson Harvey, This Close to Okay by Leesa Cross-Smith , Big Fish by Daniel Wallace, The Last Secret of the Secret Annex by Joop van Wijk-Voskuijl and Jeroen De Bruyn (for those interested in the Anne Frank story), The True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren, Perilous Times by Thomas D. Lee, The Paris Daughter by Kristin Harmel, The Summer of Songbirds by Kristy Woodson Harvey, and The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry.

Just a reminder:

Mother’s Day is just around the bend. Wouldn’t Mom love a good book for her spring/summer reading? If you order at, your purchase supports small, independent bookstores. You can even pick which store you want to support! (I’ve been supporting MacIntosh Books as they recover from the hurricane that hit the Sanibel Island/Fort Myers area in Florida.)



Once Upon a Wardrobe by Patti Callahan

Robin’s Rave Reviews – Christmas 2021 Edition

Lucy wanders into a wardrobe and walks out into the wintery forest of Narnia. Here, at the lamppost, a faun named Mr. Tumnus invites her to tea.

Lamppost in middle of wintery Narnia forest

Does this bring back fond memories of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe? Then check out Once Upon a Wardrobe coming out tomorrow, Oct. 19, 2021. Patti Callahan dives into the early life of C. S. Lewis through her new fictional story.

Once Upon a Wardrobe book coverThe world knows Lewis as the author of the Narnia series (starting with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe), The Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity, and many others. Callahan’s interest in C. S. Lewis and his wife Joy Davidman led her to research and write her 2018 book, Becoming Mrs. Lewis. (Click link to go to my book review.) Callahan returns to her expert knowledge of C. S. Lewis’ life in her new book, Once Upon a Wardrobe. Lewis fans will enjoy learning more about his early life – of family, boarding schools, college, and military service. Through this new novel, Callahan questions where an author’s idea comes from, the same question I’m sure many of us have had.


Once Upon a Wardrobe

Shortly after The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’s release, it captivates George, a young boy with a terminal heart condition. Megs, his sister studying physics at Oxford, would do anything to make George’s life better. When George wants Megs to ask Mr. Lewis where Narnia came from, she musters up the courage to approach the famous author. Lewis doesn’t give her a straight answer. Instead, he tells Megs stories about his life. Soon she is visiting C. S. (Jack) and his brother (Warnie) regularly, each time listening to stories to report back to her brother. Although there are shadows of potential connections in Jack’s experiences, can even the author pinpoint where his creative idea came from?

Photo of Patti Callahan, authorCallahan brilliantly weaves the fiction (of George and Megs) with the facts (of Jack and Warnie). She creates such a magical connection between Lewis, Megs, and George, readers will begin believing Megs really talked to Jack. Once Upon a Wardrobe challenges us to wonder at the spark of creativity, open our minds to both the logical and the fanciful, and see how the power of a story can transform us.

*Note: You will have a better reading experience if you’ve read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe from the Narnia series at some point in your life, but it isn’t absolutely necessary.

Consider purchasing through They help independent bookstores survive through every on-line purchase you make.


Thank you to Netgalley for providing an advance reader copy of Once Upon a Wardrobe. The opinions are my own.

Netgalley Member Professional Reader

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Surviving Savannah by Patti Callahan

Patti Callahan (also Patti Callahan Henry), writer of women’s fiction and historical fiction, is known for books such as Becoming Mrs. Lewis, about the love of C.S. Lewis, as well as Losing the Moon, And Then I Found You, The Bookshop at Water’s End and many more. Patti’s newest is an amazing story about the sinking of the steamship Pulaski, nicknamed the Titanic of the South,  in her newest historical fiction Surviving Savannah.

Told in dual timelines, readers experience the sinking of a luxury ship, the Pulaski, through the eyes of passengers from the Longstreet family as well as a modern day researcher.

Thirteen members of the Longstreet family (based on the real-life Gazaway Bugg Lamar family) board the ship transporting approximately 190 people. Travelers, seeking relief from the hot, humid Savannah summer, expect an easy trip sailing from Savannah to Baltimore with only one night on sea. No one foresees a simple mistake that causes one of the copper steam boilers to explode turning this into a real-life struggle for survival story.

Switching to a modern timeline, historian Everly Winthrop, is asked to curate a museum exhibition of the salvaged artifacts from the Pulaski shipwreck.  Everly wants to create a display worthy of the people who lost their lives and the families forever changed by the tragedy. Wanting the exhibit to feel personal,  she researches old letters and books to connect real lives to the finds coming from the research vessel at the wreck site.  Uncovering these stories also helps her work through a personal loss.


Patti, the author, began researching the sinking of the Pulaski to see if she wanted to write historical fiction based on the event. She knew it was meant to be when the actual 1838 shipwreck was discovered only weeks after she began her research. She chose to give these passengers a voice from a nearly forgotten, almost  two hundred-year-old story.  Finding written survivor documentation of the event and interviewing the wreckage recovery team helped Patti create authentic situations for fictionalized characters based on real people. Patti’s story began unfolding on the page concurrent with the real-life recovery of artifacts from the bottom of the sea. She has stated in numerous articles that the timing gave her “chill bumps.”

Patti’s novel follows survivors on the days directly following the sinking as they are being pushed beyond human limits to get to safety. Patti also goes beyond the rescue of some of the passengers to explore how surviving affects the rest of their lives. How do survivors survive being survivors? What will they do with the life they’ve been given? How does Savannah survive losing so many of their elite citizens? How do people move on after their world has been suddenly changed? 

Surviving Savannah is a read worth your time.



Friends and Fiction Author Chats

I want to share something with you that shouldn’t be kept a secret. Do you remember in  my recent book review on The Beach House by Mary Alice Monroe, I mentioned a Facebook group I came across during the pandemic? The Friends and Fiction FB group is sponsored by five women fiction authors:  Mary Kay Andrews/Kathy Trocheck (Hello, Summer), Mary Alice Monroe (On Ocean Boulevard), Kristin Harmel (The Book of Lost Names), Patti Callahan Henry (Becoming Mrs. Lewis), and Kristy Woodson Harvey (Feels Like Falling). (The books listed are their most recent.)

During the pandemic these authors felt the need to connect with each other since they couldn’t get together in person. They started connecting through Zoom for a virtual happy hour –  enjoying a drink while talking books. They realized how much they were missing in-person book tours and meeting their fans so they decided to open up their weekly chat to fans by making it a weekly live video on Facebook each Wednesday at 7 pm eastern. (You can also view it later at your leisure on the FB page.) In just a few months this Facebook group has already gained 14,000 members! What started as a “limited time event” looks like it’s here to stay.

Sometimes the live chats are the five of them discussing writing and books while other times they invite a special guest to join them. Past guests have included Delia Owens (Where the Crawdad Sings), Jasmine Guillory (Party of Two), Susan Elizabeth Phillips (Dance Away with Me), Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle (Close Up)),  Lisa Wingate (The Book of Lost Friends), and Drew Copeland and Ken Block (members of the band Sister Hazel) to name a few. Upcoming interviews on the summer calendar include Elin Hilderbrand on Aug. 5 (TOMORROW!), Karin Slaughter on Aug. 12,  Kristina McMorris on Aug. 19, the Friends and Fiction 5 on Aug. 26, and Etaf Rum on Sept. 2. The F&F5 are finalizing other author interviews for the fall. 

“The authors quickly make fans feel like good friends just hanging out together.”


I look forward to watching the live video on Facebook every Wednesday. The authors quickly make fans feel like good friends just hanging out together. We can also submit questions for them and for their guest authors. An independent bookstore is highlighted each week as the authors encourage fans to support them, especially while these businesses are struggling during the pandemic.

Friends and Fiction is a closed FB group, but anyone can join. On Facebook type Friends and Fiction in the “search groups” bar. Just ask to join and soon you will have access to their past videos, their live videos on Wednesdays, and comments and recommendations from other fans/readers. (Also check out I’m amazed that with all these ladies have on their plates they want to continue doing this, but I’m so glad they do. Come join us!