Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez

Robin’s Rave Reviews 2024 

Run! Put JUST FOR THE SUMMER by Abby Jimenez on your TBR list right away. Then bypass the others and jump right into this one! It’s one of the best books I’ve read this year. I wish I could go back and experience it for the first time. JUST FOR THE SUMMER is the first Abby Jimenez book I’ve read, and I will absolutely read more by her. I give this book a 5+ star rating.


Emma and her best friend Maddy are traveling nurses. They stay in a location for six weeks and then move on. It’s good money, and they see parts of the country they want to visit. Moving around also keeps Emma in her comfort zone. After spending her childhood in constant movement with an unstable mother, Emma has no interest in planting roots anywhere.

Although Maddy’s parents became Emma’s foster parents, Emma kept them emotionally distant. The only person she’s let in is Maddy. Maddy understands Emma and knows how to handle when she retreats into herself from her untreated childhood trauma.

Justin has a problem. Five times in the last three years, the girl he dates leaves him only to find her soulmate with the next guy. Most recently, his girlfriend realized Justin’s best friend is THE ONE. He states his frustration on a Reddit thread for the world to see. When Maddie sees the thread, she shows it to Emma, who is living the same curse. Seven times in the last four years, Emma’s boyfriends have found their soulmates immediately after her.

As Justin and Emma connect, they wonder if dating each other would break the curse. Could they both find their soulmate next? Minnesota isn’t a place the girls wanted to visit, but Emma arranges their next nursing assignment to be there, near Justin, to test their theory. They plan on dating, just for the summer. But what happens when actual feelings develop?

Problems Not of Their Own Making 

Because of his mother’s actions, Justin is about to move back into his childhood home and take guardianship of his three younger siblings. He’s angry at his mother for turning his life upside down.

Emma tells him, “In a world where you can choose anger or empathy, always choose empathy.” She explains her thoughts. “You don’t know how broken she was or what she was trying to do to fill those cracks. Being broken is not an excuse for bad behavior, you still have to make good choices and do the right thing. But it can be the reason. And sometimes understanding the reason can be what helps you heal.”

This philosophy is how Emma has coped with her mother for years. Emma’s mother Amber pops in and out of Emma’s life, leaving destruction in her path. Amber is self-centered and self-serving. When Amber see the mansion and yacht that belongs to Emma’s new landlord, she sets her sights on him. To make it worse, he’s Emma’s boss. Fallout from her mother could cause trouble for Emma in every way thinkable.

The book tells us, “The love stories sold us the wrong thing. The best kind of love doesn’t happen on moonlit walks and romantic vacations. It happens in between the folds of everyday life…. It isn’t glamorous, it isn’t all butterflies and stars in your eyes. It’s real. This is the kind of love that forever is made of. Because if it’s this good when life is draining and mundane and hard, think of how wonderful it will be when the love songs are playing and the moon is out.”

My Thoughts

I know I’ve said it before about other titles, but JUST FOR THE SUMMER by Abby Jimenez is a must-have for your summer reading. The hook about the curse is creative and drew me in, but it is the complexity of the characters and their situations that kept me reading. The story has depth.  It’s realistic and raw. It’s so refreshing for a romance to balance fun, humor and cute rom-com elements with real-life tough situations for each main character.

Justin and Emma’s romance feels believable. Their relationship seems to be one of those ‘right person, wrong time’ scenarios. These characters are imperfect, and their families are flawed. They both are in turmoil not of their own making. They feel like real people living normal, troubled lives. I couldn’t help but get emotionally invested in their story. The book brings up some topics worth thought and discussion.


Abby Jimenez, author
Author Abby Jimenez

Abby Jimenez is an award winning, bestselling author. She is also a Food Network winner with her Nadia Cakes business. She is currently (August 2024) on book tour for JUST FOR THE SUMMER. She’ll be in Columbus, Ohio on September 8 (SOLD OUT), and on November 2,  she’ll be in Toledo, Ohio for the Romance Con at the Toledo Lucas County Public Library. These are the two author events closest to me. Check out all her book tour stops on her website. Also check each location to get your reservation for the event.

If You Like…

If this book appeals to you, check out these books I’ve reviewed and recommend: The Good Part by Sophie Cousens and  A Wedding in Lake Como by Jennifer Probst. Happy reading!


Drop me a comment below! What are you reading that you’d recommend? Who are your favorite authors?  Ask me a question about books and/or writing. I’d love to hear from you!

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Netgalley Professional Reader

The True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren

Robin’s Rave Reviews 20235 Stars


A new romcom, The True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren, comes out May 16. This was my first Christina Lauren novel, but since I had heard good things, I had to give The True Love Experiment a try! Read below. Maybe it will be just the book you’ve been looking for.


The True Love Experiment by Christina LaurenFelicity “Fizzy” Chen is a popular romance writer who hasn’t found her true love yet. She’s also going through writer’s block. Connor Prince, a documentary filmmaker and divorced father, is told that the company is going in a different direction, and he is expected to create a new dating show. He isn’t thrilled with the idea, but he does want to keep his job and continue to live near his daughter. Connor convinces Fizzy, the queen of romance novels, to star in the show, partially because she has a built-in audience from her books. Reluctant at first, she decides to do the show if the men she dates represent typical romance hero archetypes –  the Navy Seal, the vampire, the cinnamon roll (sweet and supportive),the cowboy, the one that got away, etc. The True Love Experiment TV show is right on track to air, except Fizzy may be falling in love with someone who isn’t a contestant. So much chemistry! So much flirting!

My Take

Ok, I’ll admit that my guilty pleasure is watching The Bachelor/Bachelorette shows. If that applies to you, this book is for you! I really loved the characters and plot of this story. I also loved the original slant on the dating show – a romance writer dating romance archetype love interests. However, it’s a spicier romance than I normally read. And watch out for the many F bombs. Still, I love the story so much, I had to recommend the book to those of you who aren’t bothered by the heat level and swearing. I gave it 5 stars because it was so entertaining, kept my attention, and included wonderful characters that stuck with me.

The Author(s)

Authors Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings (the Christina Lauren duo)
Christina Hobbs (left) and Lauren Billings (right)

Christina Lauren is actually two writers: Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings. Together they’ve produced eighteen New York Times bestselling novels, including The Soulmate Equation, In a Holidaze and The Unhoneymooners. Fans have been waiting for The True Love Experiment ever since Fizzy debuted as a character in The Soulmate Equation. (I didn’t know that until after reading The True Love Experiment, but it read fine as a stand alone. I have heard you should read The Soulmate Equation first (if you planned to) because reading The True Love Experiment first will give spoilers.

The True Love Experiment will be out May 16, 2023, but don’t wait! Preorders really help authors. You can order now from most bookstores, but I included this link to my favorite place to order books, bookshop.org. They support independent, mom and pop bookstores. You can even pick which store you want to support!

Thank you to Netgalley and Simon and Schuster for the ARC of this novel. The opinions are my own.

To get a sneak peek of my other upcoming book reviews, go to my last blog post. 

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